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Did you know that video search results have a 41% better click-through rate than the text counterpart? That means if you have a promotional video on your website, you have a better chance of getting traffic than if you just write a blog post alone.  Promotional video production is used for so many things today from sales, marketing, crowdfunding, and websites to promoting on social media.

Many people think if they need a promotional video that the video company has to be in the same town they live in. Promotional video production The internet has changed the way video production has to be made.  Many times, we can work with you over email and phone on the script, and then either hire a local crew to shoot you or we can handle the whole production in our studios in Nashville.  This is why we work so well for small businesses that may not have a large budget to fly around a camera crew.  Because we work together on the script and storyboard, we can shoot the video anywhere and you don’t need to be on set, because you know exactly what the end product will be.  This saves you time and money on travel expenses.

Promotional Videos can be a marketing video, sales video or even explainer video for your company. Most recently we talked about the tips to create your next explainer video, make sure to check it out.

We are going to talk about how to create a promotional video starting with planning and scripting.  If you have a great topic and you know frame by frame what you want to show, then this is the easy part for you. When you are creating a promotional video you want to create a customer problem, you want to offer a solution for that problem and you want to explain why your product is the best. People that come across your video are usually looking for an answer to a problem so answer the audiences questions before they are even asked. Think ahead and plan for it! Planning is the most important part when creating any type of marketing or promotional material especially a promotional video.
Promotional Video ServicesHow do you write your script?  Hiring a script writer is the most logical choice and they know how to craft a short story or commercial.  Pretend you are explaining this to a child.   It is best to keep your message short and sweet.  Video retention rates are getting lower and lower online. In order to keep an audiences attention, you should try to get your message across quickly.

Promotional video and product videos are a specialty of WMV Productions. We love taking peoples companies and products and making them shine in video. With the explosion of internet video, promotional videos have upped traffic and conversion rates for websites, getting more business and exposure than ever before possible. Promotional video is over 6 times more effective than print or online advertising. In product promotional video land Forbes put out a statement saying that 50% of those who viewed a marketing or promotional video went on to purchase the product for themselves or their business.

It is clear that video is here to stay and with the ease and low cost (compared to previous years) of getting videos made, everyone should consider having at least one video made for their web presence, even if you make it yourself.

If you are on the lookout for a video company to help you on your next project, give us a call.

615-852-5869  |