My title
Example of a crowdfunding videos. We can make a killer video and not even be in the same town as you.
This is a great example.  The founder of Virtero lives in San Francisco and we are based out of Nashville.  We wrote the script, storyboarded, hired actors and a camera crew to show up in San Francisco with the founder and put this video together.  We used local athletes and sexy animations of the virtero website to really push this crowdfunding project over the top.  You would be surprised how cost effective a video solution like this is.  Check out the Virtero Kickstarter video below and let us know what you think:

    I’ve shared the video with a number of people and it has been a really positive response. The editing is great!”

— Jeff, Virtero

Crowdfunding Kickstarter Video Producers – Virtero

See more of our crowdfunding videos here


Do you need a crowdfunding video produced for your business?  WMV Video Productions for all the top crowdfunding platforms: kickstarter, indiegogo, crowdfunder, rocket hub, crowdrise, somolend, appbackr, angellist,, quirky and wefunder.

Because of the system we have created we can easily make cost effective crowdfunding videos all around the world from San Francisco, California all the way to New York.  If you like our videos and want to find out how we easy we can make a video for you, drop us a line:

If you liked the webpages flying around maybe you should check out some of our screencast videos