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Generations pass stories on all the time. Everyone has a story to tell so why not make it easier to remember these stories with a family history video.

Family history and family stories are ways to help define who you are as a person. Being able to tell a story to your loved ones about your families past is great, but being able to put your words, pictures and past to a video can allow it to be shared among your family for years to come.  Where do you even start?

Family history videos are really just mini documentaries that keep your families story alive.  If you are looking to have your families stories told, gathering information is the beginning of the process.  Sites like are a great place to start.  Gathering information around the web on your heritage and also speaking with your elders should put you in a good position to get going.

Family History Video

The more pictures the better!Family History Video Gather all your family pictures an have a video company or other service scan them for you.  Then you can combine the stories and heritage from your family with some pictures of your current or passed family to create an engaging story that your family can enjoy for generations.



  • Question about this article? Call Amy or Nick any time at 615-852-5869 for more info.